
331% Surge in Organic Revenue through Targeted SEO

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Hey! Just Imagine This Was Your Business.

6 Figures

From six figures per year to six figures per month


Increase in Organic revenue in 12 months


Increase in Organic traffic in 12 months

How We Earned These Results

We rooted our strategy in Golf Course Lawn Store’s existing strengths, complementing them with robust, SEO-driven approaches. Recognising the potential in Ron’s engaging personality and expert knowledge shared through his YouTube channel, we integrated this dynamic content into the website, enhancing its appeal and significantly increasing user engagement.

Through SEO optimisations, including a technical audit, a redesign of the Homepage, and the creation of a rich resources section, we established a strong digital foundation. These efforts were complemented by continuous content enhancements and strategic keyword optimisations aimed at bolstering the authority of the site and directly increasing organic traffic and sales.

The result was that our targeted SEO and content strategies resulted in a dramatic transformation in Golf Course Lawn Store’s digital presence, with a 331% increase in organic revenue. This success was underpinned by a 723% increase in organic traffic and a significant uplift in keyword rankings. Our comprehensive approach not only met but surpassed the ambitious goals we set, marking a milestone in the company’s growth trajectory.

The Business

Golf Course Lawn Store, helmed by founder Ron Henry, is a leading U.S. provider of premium lawn care essentials— from fertilisers to insecticides.
When Golf Course Lawn Store approached us, they were poised at a crucial juncture. Despite achieving a commendable annual revenue, our client was unsure how to grow the business to the next level.

The Business

Golf Course Lawn Store, helmed by founder Ron Henry, is a leading U.S. provider of premium lawn care essentials— from fertilisers to insecticides.
When Golf Course Lawn Store approached us, they were poised at a crucial juncture. Despite achieving a commendable annual revenue, our client was unsure how to grow the business to the next level.

The Strategy

Ron Henry has a successful YouTube channel that gives advice on how to get the perfect lawn — and a big personality to go with it. We wanted to bring that same knowledge and infectious positivity to the website.
We did this by embedding videos into the blog content, learning how to write in Ron’s tone of voice and creating blogs to coincide with Ron’s weekly live YouTube shows so that he could discuss the topic with his followers.

Step 1 — Redesign and Navigation Improvements

Homepage redesign and improvements in the main navigation: UX and navigation were vital to reach the organic goals of the campaign. The old Homepage design lacked functionality and we identified areas of improvement, primarily in the flow of information from the Homepage. The new Homepage is designed not only to improve the browsing journey on the website but also to establish the client's authority in the industry.

Step 2 — SEO Foundations

Keypages and Keyword Research: This is one of the high-priority foundations in SEO, which was completed in the first month of the campaign. This allows us to identify the key pages in the website and determine which keywords these pages should rank for. Website SEO Technical Audit: A website free from technical errors would definitely perform more efficiently in organic search. This strategy helped us fix high priority onsite issues such as missing H1 tags, missing alt image tags and internal linking errors that can influence rankings. The tech audit can also detect issues with site speed performance that can affect user experience and conversion if not addressed accordingly. Creation of the Resources Section of the Website: Establishing the authority of the client in the industry was among our top priorities. The Resource section of the website was one of our recommendations for achieving this goal. This section contains valuable information to attract first-time visitors and KB articles and other helpful information to help Google identify the website as a top source of information about related topics. Keypage Optimisation and Page SEO Boost: This strategy involves full SEO optimisation and copy improvements for the main product collections. We ensured that each collection page had enough copy and provided a clear description of the search intent and purpose of the page. We optimised the copy with keywords, targeting both commercial and informational search terms highly relevant to the page. We optimised the header tags, meta titles, and descriptions to boost organic rankings and CTR. Additional copy was also added below the fold, such as videos and FAQs for SEO purposes. Competitor Analysis: We focused on identifying gaps in content, ranking keywords, and onsite site features unique to competitors that were missing from the website. Our findings and insights from this strategy helped determine more efficient topics to cover in our content marketing strategies. We've also incorporated additional competitor keywords in our blog optimisation work to compete and overtake competitors in SERP position and visibility. We've also made some recommendations to improve the blog design based on the insights we got from this action.

Step 3 — SEO and Copy Boost

SEO Management: This is another vital strategy for SEO aimed to monitor and report the site's organic performance, site health status, and react to any outside factors such algorithm updates and changes in the SERP volatility. Blog improvements: Implementation of a sticky table of contents. Adding product images, product links, and related reading links to blogs. Blog Topic Keyword Research: Research and recommend additional blog keywords based on the blog titles and topics in the content schedule. Seasonal SEO Strategy: Since the business is highly seasonal, we incorporated specific strategies to further improve organic performance during the high seasons and cope with the low seasons.

The Work

In-Depth Competitor Content Analysis: Our strategy included a thorough examination of competitors’ content and blog topics. This enabled our content team to craft information-rich, SEO-optimised articles tailored to surpass our competitors, directly boosting organic traffic and increasing sales.

Comprehensive Product Page Reviews: We conducted detailed analyses of competitor product pages under the LawnLove Competitor Analysis initiative. This examination helped us understand and implement best practices that refine our product presentations, enhancing user experience and SEO performance.

Ongoing SEO Performance Monitoring: Regular SEO audits are integral to our strategy, utilising advanced tools like GA4, GSC, and SERanking. These weekly checks provide us with continuous insights into organic performance, allowing us to quickly identify and address any emerging SEO issues.

Seasonal Content Marketing and SEO Optimisation: Recognising the seasonal nature of the lawn care industry, we strategically timed our content marketing efforts and keyword research to align with peak seasons. This approach ensured that we captured the maximum audience interest when it was most relevant.

Google Business Profile (GBP) Optimisation: We focused on enhancing our GBP efforts by regularly updating blog posts with SEO-optimised descriptions. This not only boosted our visibility in local search results but also reinforced our content’s relevance and freshness.

Bi-Monthly Competitive Research: Every two months, we engage in comprehensive competitive research to keep our keyword-targeting strategies fresh and aligned with current market trends. This bi-monthly review ensures that we are always ahead of the curve, adapting to any seasonal shifts in consumer behaviour and search engine algorithms.

Through these detailed and dynamic competitive analysis efforts, we have been able to maintain a leading edge in the highly competitive lawn care market, continuously adapting and refining our strategies to drive significant improvements in organic traffic and sales.

The Results


Organic revenue increase


Increase in organic sales


Increase in organic traffic


New keywords in the Top
3 positions

Improvements in organic traffic were heavily influenced by the growth of the following blogs:

1. Blog 1

Organic traffic increased by 121.82% compared to the previous year, and the biggest improvements were in organic sales and revenue.

2. Blog 2

Organic traffic increased by 121.82% compared to the previous year, and the biggest improvements were in organic sales and revenue.

3. Blog 3

Organic traffic increased by 121.82% compared to the previous year, and the biggest improvements were in organic sales and revenue.

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